Released on September 30, 2009; this is her 1st album. This is the limited edition version so it includes a CD, DVD and photo book. I only like a few songs on the album arn't too special but ok. Tracks 1-4 on the DVD are my favorites from the album.
MiChi is half Japanese and half English and fluent in English and Japanese. It's cool to hear Japanese songs with perfectly pronounced English unlike most other artists that try but you can sometimes barely understand it. Another thing the Japanese do when naming songs in English is keep it case sensitive such as the name in all in upper, lower or mixed; and MiChi is probably too big in this with the songs titles in this album.
Two music videos ripped from the DVD. They are some of my favorites from her. It's great there's even a little menu in the DVD but 4 of 5 of the videos are in 16:9 but the DVD is 4:3 and that makes it look terrible on a widescreen TV.
The Psion uses OPL (Organiser Programming Language) for programming. It's similer to BASIC. I wanted a quick way to pick something in my music collection so I thought making a simple program on my Psion would work great. There's a link in the organisers main screen to it, it then asks for the maximum in a range of numbers which would be the total number of items in the collection. After enter is pressed it displays a random number between 1 and the entered number, pressing enter again picks another random number and pressing space allows to enter a new maximum number. The first official run of the program had a 215 so the next CD I'll look at is the 215th item in my music collection.
The program exported from the organiser. I wrote it on the actual device even though there is a devkit that runs on MSDOS with a better view than the 2 line display.
It warmed up for a day! It's just a trick, it's not spring yet.
First released in 1998 for Game Boy Color and also compatible with Game Boy. This is what you expect for frogger, no fancy features or high score saving in this game. But it's not bad and great for a quick play when bored. I always like when GBC games are backwards compatible with GB so I can play in color or B&W depending on mood. I got another copy and noticed the title screen was different; and figured out there are multiple versions released. More info on version differences are here. I don't know why anyone bothered since the gameplay wasn't changed at all.
This is the original version being played in B&W on my Game Boy Pocket.
This is the second version played in color on my GBA SP; or it's maybe the third version since the serial number says three at the end. This is my original copy bought in the early 00's, well it was my brothers.
The GE CG-9810 Camcorder was released in 1988 and is the oldest one I own. My next two newest camcorders don't work right but this one is working great. All the VHS footage on the blog is from it. Nice features include manual and auto focus, 8X optical zoom with manual and slow electronic zooming. It still keeps the date and time with no problem. I have it hooked into a portable external power supply as the original batteries are no good anymore.
Footage featuring two winter days.
Hugdreamy Horoscope is the first album by 星歴13夜 (Seireki13ya; Astral Calendar of the 13 nights) released on November 27, 2019. They are another idol group from codomomental and are more like a traditional idol group since they don't have harsh vocals. The music is upbeat and electronic and they always have a cute appearance and vocals. I never skip them when listening in the car.
It's one of the rare albums that I pretty much like all the tracks. When it first came out I would have said my favorite track was "Vanilla Drops" and I still like it but now maybe "The Gift of Nothing" or "せかいせんごと" (Translated).
The Toshiba Satellite 110CS was released in June 1996. There are 40 MB of RAM, a 3.5 inch FDD and 11.3 inch LCD screen. The only problems were a broken floppy drive and a high pitched whine coming from the screen or power supply.
It came with a 800 MB HDD with an installation of Windows 95 on it. It's a pretty clean install, only has a few programs and files on it. The files are all excel documents, some kind of exciting financial reports. The hard drive seems to be working good, never had problems with old hard drives; but I switched it with an SSD and installed MS-DOS 6.2 and Windows 3.1 on it. The bottom of the laptop says property of whole foods market and the user account was called "Produce".
The floppy drive needed a belt replacement. The new belt I had was a little thicker but it still just barely fit. The drive still acts up sometimes but hitting it usually gets it to read; better than a fully non-working drive.